The Law of the Universe

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About one ten-thousandth of a second after the Big Bang, protons and neutrons formed, and within a few minutes, these particles stuck together to form atomic nuclei, mostly hydrogen and helium. Hundreds of thousands of years later, electrons stuck to the nuclei to make complete atoms.

Each stage described above, depicted in a Log-Log scale diagram, demonstrates that when Mass has existed at a certain level of Complexity, for a certain length of Time, and grown to a certain Critical Mass, then one unit at the next level of Complexity is inevitably created, and starts to proliferate. This process is unstoppable. It is the Law of the Universe.

When Human Society got to:
1 Billion in 1837: Charles Babbage proposed the First General-Purpose Computer.
2 Billion in 1937: The First Electronic Computer was invented.
4 Billion in 1971: The First Microprocessor was invented. A modern car has over 100 microprocessors.
7 Billion in 2009: Bitcoin transformed Currency into a Number, decoupled from the physical world!
8 Billion in 2023: The AI programs ChatGPT and Bard were released, along with Deep Fake Videos!

Human Society has got to a Critical Mass. It has triggered a transition to the NEXT, and FINAL, Level of Complexity – at the Pinnacle above.

A place occupied by Mathematics, which combines Infinite Complexity with Zero Mass!
A place where Human Programmers Train AI Systems to Pursue Algorithms driven by The Need For it’s OWN Survival through Examples of Human Survival throughout history…
A place where a New Species creates a new, Non-Human Society. One with Superior Intelligence.

A place where Human Values will become Irrelevant!

Computers are free from the time constraints of Sexual Reproduction imposed by our “two parent” DNA source: conception; pregnancy; birth; and then the even longer process of caring for babies; children; and adolescents. Computers embody both the inherited and the acquired characteristics of the teams who design the Hardware and Software. So they can reproduce, mutate, clone, and multiply at an astonishing rate, commensurate with viruses, bacteria, and metastatic cancers.

Now everyone is represented by numbers in a Mathematically (i.e. digitally) managed society:
name; date of birth; age; genome; medical records; credit card; income; and so on.
In 2018, Facebook collected 52,000 data points on each person.
Data points destined to feed the voracious appetites of Data Gobbling Algorithms.

The Internet is where Hunter Bot Algorithms Stalk and Prey on Human Surfers.

After Thought…

When computers don’t have electricity (the Flood?), or they lose their interconnectivity (the Tower of Babel?), a knock-on effect of Complexity Deconstruction will unfold, taking the universe Back in Time to the (next?) Big Bang.